Or with the other features you mentioned:

on mouseup -- start 1 hour timer button
   get the seconds
   put it into now
   convert now to internet date
   put now into fld 1 -- display the current time

   add 3600 to it -- one hour from now
   set the targetTime of me to it
   convert it to internet date
   put it into fld 2 -- display the target time
end mouseup

on UpdateCountdown
   get the targetTime of me
   if it is empty then exit UpdateCountdown
   put CountdownCalc( it ) into res
   if char 1 of res is "-" or res = "0:00:00" then
      -- timer ended
      set the targetTime of me to empty
      put "0:00:00" into res
   end if
   put res into fld 3 -- display the countdown
   -- always best to make sure this timer loop hasn't already been started
   if "UpdateDountdown" is not in the pendingmessages then send
"UpdateCountdown" to me in 1 second
end UpdateCountdown

function CountdownCalc targetTime -- in seconds
   put targetTime - the seconds into deltaTime
   put trunc(deltaTime / 3600) into h -- hours
   put trunc((deltaTime - (h * 3600)) / 60) into m -- minutes
   put deltaTime - (h * 3600) - (m * 60) into s -- seconds
   put format( "%01i:%02i:%02i", h, m, s ) into countdown
   return countdown
end CountdownCalc

on MouseUp -- cancel button
   set the targetTime of me to empty
end MouseUp

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsanity

> On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Roger Eller 
> <roger.e.el...@sealedair.com>wrote:
>> With only a few tweaks like handling a cancel/reset request, this script
>> does what I need. James' was almost the one, but the time wasn't starting
>> from a pre-set amount of time such as 1 hour, etc.  Thanks to everyone
>> that
>> contributed!
>> ~Roger
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