Neville Smythe wrote:

> I have updated the SlowSave test stack with Richard's enhancement to
> also show the time to save the binary data (no need to use the shift
> button)
> Pleased to see everyone is seeing the problem at last, it doesn’t seem
> to be related to the particular Windows 10 installation. But 38
> seconds for 8 MB!!

Yes, the difference is quite pronounced.

Thank you for updating the stack.

Brian Milby's comment was most illuminating:

   Internally, each object is serialized and written to the
   file buffer in turn.  So the question then becomes how
   much of the difference is due to writing the file in
   pieces compared to the process of serializing the data.

I just did a search at DuckDuckGo for "difference in write speed windows vs mac programming":

Among the first results was this discussion from stack overflow, where the problem is described as:

  When you execute a build operation with ChatScript, it scans
  all the script files that comprise your chat-bot. In my case,
  that's hundreds of files. This process takes nearly 30 times
  longer on Windows 8.1 than it does on Ubuntu 16.04. Therefore
  I do use Linux for much of my work, but there is a part of
  my work that I have to do on Windows because of certain
  associated tools, so I would like to modify the code base so
  that Windows ChatScript compiles are as fast as on Linux.

  Can anyone think of a reason the code would run so much slower
  on Windows vs. Linux? Are there some C++ file operation codes
  (read/write/etc.) that are known to be much slower on Windows
  compared to Linux due to variances in the C++ run-time libraries
  running on each platform?

Sounds kinda like us, no?

But it gets better.

The first reply suggests a few common things to speed up disk I/O, like defragging and double-checking compiler options, but then he kinda gives up and says, "But doing all those things for me has never got the Windows compile to be quicker than on linux using equivalent disk hardware, not once."

Better still, see the last comment on that page. :)

It kinda fits Brian's observation about how the stack file is written in a series of small writes, one per object.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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