On 4/16/20 3:12 PM, Graham Samuel via use-livecode wrote:
Why is it so complicated? How can anyone write a single piece of software (I’m 
talking about XCode) that uses up more bytes than would be needed for the 
Library of Babel?

That. But it is what it is, and I plan to spend double or triple the usual time when a client wants a mobile app, which virtually all of them do these days.

You don't need XCode though, except to have it sitting on your hard drive with its command tools installed. Once that's done, you can ignore it. Use the Development menu to choose your test device, and then choose Test from the menu, or just click the Test button in the toolbar. (And make sure your stack is focused or nothing will happen.) As long as XCode is set up and green-lighted in LC mobile preferences, that's all you need.

If you want to use a simulator though, you do have to launch it from XCode. But then you can ignore it again.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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