Hi again Graham

Another option is to indicate visually the uncertainty of the location reading 
on the map display as some apps do, e,g. with a translucent circle whose radius 
indicates the horizontal (in)accuracy.



> On 26 Apr 2020, at 10:17 am, Alan Stenhouse <alanstenho...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Graham
> Some ideas, from experience:
> 1. Start your sensor on openStack or as soon as possible.
> 2. Ignore locationChanged messages with empty location or if "horizontal 
> accuracy" is outside a threshold of x metres.
> 3. Just set a flag or other mechanism when you want to start and stop 
> tracking which indicates to your locationChanged handler to record or stop 
> recording the track.
> Hopefully that sounds reasonable?
> cheers
> Alan
>> On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:07:01,Graham Samuel <livf...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:livf...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Typical fitness apps (such as iCardio by FitDigits)  can read various 
>> sensors including a Heart Rate Monitor via Bluetooth, and one?s location via 
>> inbuilt GPS. When you start an activity like a run or a workout, the app 
>> goes through an acquisition phase, and won?t start recording until the 
>> sensors are functioning. This is made clear to the user by a display.
>> I want to do this in my LC iOS app, specifically for the GPS. I know how to 
>> start the location function on the device and I know how to handle the 
>> position via ?locationChanged' and/or ?mobileCurrentLocation', and these 
>> work. The big problem is at the start of such a sequence. I can use 
>> 'mobileStartTracking Sensor ?location? ? to get going, but experience shows 
>> that this takes an unpredictable amount of time, sometimes of the order of 
>> seconds. You would think that the locationChanged messages wouldn?t start 
>> firing until the start tracking process had done its job, but it seems this 
>> is not so, and nonsense locations can appear at the beginning of the 
>> sequence. At least that?s my experience.
>> I am loth to use a loop to see if the tracking is really started and legit, 
>> and anyhow this would be problematical if my app was being inundated with 
>> ?locationChanged' messages while the loop is running. 
>> Has anyone any experience of this issue? As usual, I feel I?m missing 
>> something. Perhaps the ?trackingError? message might help, but I don?t see 
>> how.
>> Graham

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