Hi folks,

FYI I've published a Github repo with a spell checker. The code is code
I've been developing for a spell checker replacement in apps I develop for
macOS and Windows. It uses NSSpellChecker on macOS and Hunspell on Windows.
If some kind soul wants to compile a Hunspell 1.6.2 .so library for Linux
the it would support Linux as well (I don't develop for Linux).

The url where you can go to learn about it, download it, or contribute to
it <—-! is here:


Instructions for using it in your LiveCode app are at the bottom of the

The latest release, along with the LCE files for installing some extensions
that are required, can be found on the Releases page:


For those adding the spell checker to a Levure application no need to
install the extensions. The repo is in Helper format and you can add the
folder to the Helpers folder in your app. Just make sure you are using the
newly released version 0.9.4 of the Levure framework in your app which
allows Helpers to define where .dll, .so, .dylibs, and the like should be
packaged up when building a standalone. Release notes for each version can
be found here:


P.S. I've updated my signature with links to my Github repos that relate to
LiveCode and LiveCode Builder. All of my public projects are under the MIT
license so enjoy!

Trevor DeVore
ScreenSteps - https://www.screensteps.com
Levure App Framework for LiveCode - https://github.com/trevordevore/levure/
LiveCode Repos -
LiveCode Builder Repos -
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