Got really depressed watching the presentation.

On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 12:22 Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <> wrote:

> We make and sell a desktop application (Windows and macOS) for a niche
> research market. I expect when Apple does their migration to a common
> processor and OS, Apple Developer's will have to go through all of Apple
> hoops for all their platforms.Most of our customer don't care about UI
> widget animations. They want the app to do certain functions and do them
> well and quickly to work with their data. As long as the UI is
> effective, whether it conforms precisely to Microsoft or Apple UI
> guidelines is secondary. So, even if you only care about desktops, your
> app will have to be sold through Apple's single App Store, conform to
> all screen sizes on all their devices, and follow all their UI
> guidelines, etc.
> At that point, given that Windows is 2/3rd of our market and macOS
> 1/3rd, we'll drop support for macOS sadly. I say sadly because our
> application originated way back in the late 1980 as a HyperCard App for
> MacOS.
> But, to your point, your concern IS valid for those people wanting Apps
> from you that they insist MUST conform to all of Apple's esoteric
> requirements. It is likely it will become increasingly harder for the
> LiveCode ideal of develop once and deploy everywhere.
> On 6/23/2020 2:56 PM, Jim Lambert via use-livecode wrote:
> > This year’s WWDC shows Apple is moving to a unified ‘system' for all
> their products: Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AppleTV.
> > The Apple development environment promises to produce a single app
> capable of running on all, or almost all, of Apple devices. This
> unification promises to be quite convenient for Apple developers.
> >
> > In contrast, over the last decade or so there has been an ever
> increasing divergence in UX between major operating systems: Apple,
> Windows, Linux, Android. The days when systems were so similar that you
> could rely on the commonality of a handful of UI elements across platforms
> seems over to me. That’s troubling because such commonality is fundamental
> to LiveCode’s approach - write once, run everywhere.
> >
> > In watching WWDC sessions it’s pretty clear that even simple UI elements
> have become more like UX elements having intrinsic and complex properties,
> such as certain visual and behavioral animations. Users readily learn to
> expect these behaviors. Yet such things are increasing difficult to fake
> with LiveCode’s basic palette of objects.
> >
> > Enter LiveCode Builder and LC Widgets. They offer the promise of
> platform-specific UI elements - a promise fulfilled with some simple
> elements like iOS Native Button or Android Native Field. But I’m concerned
> that as platforms diverge in the interface experiences they present to
> users, that LC and LC developers will have difficulty satisfying users'
> divergent expectations.
> >
> > Is my concern valid?
> >
> > Jim Lambert
> >
> >
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