On 28/07/2020 08:27, Curry Kenworthy via use-livecode wrote:


> Using unambiguous short names prevents behaviour scripts
> that references child controls completely

Sure about that? (Option A)

Yes, I think I am. At least, it prevents using names of the child objects in the script. The other solution using cached IDs works in a behaviour script. But I still can't see a way to do it using names.

Give me one more clue please; I'd really like to use option A.

> Inside A, there is a rect called "R" and also a group called "B"
> inside B there is a rect called "R"

Or put the "direct" R in a subgroup also. (Option B)
A-B-R vs A-C-R.

No, unfortunately option B doesn't work. Remember that A and B are instances of the same group, so when you introduce the extra group level in A, you do the same in B; i.e. it's now A-C-R versus A-B-C-R

And again Livecode's "incomplete" name matching will give whichever one has a lower layer number.

> *put*thelongnameofgrc"R1"ofgrp"A"
... graphic "R1" of group "C" of group "B" of group "A" of card id 1002 of stack "Untitled 1"

when A-B is lower than A-C (which it has to be to avoid obscuring it).

So I'm going to abandon this idea - I can go back to a different solution which allows behaviour scripts, but requires slightly more setup. Not quite so easy to use (initially), but probably easier to continue to use in the long run.

Many thanks,


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