I guess not - could not find anything in the forums or email thread.
On 21 Oct 2020, 20:17 +0100, JeeJeeStudio via use-livecode 
<use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>, wrote:
> You've just hijacked someone's thread...you said something last time. It's
> now a totally different subject.

That’s fine :) It’s kind of related to the general subject of community 
contribution. My understanding is that the general approach to that has not 
helped produce an organised collection of material - whether this is the 
documentation, or the library of Livecode components. There is the usual 
tension between centralised quality control and wiki like easy open community 

I agree with Sean that we can all contribute to this, but a little improvement 
in the architecture that supports such collaboration would also help I believe. 
It is harder than I think necessary to find stacks and code related to for 
instance podcasts and RSS feeds. I’m pretty sure that this has been worked on 
multiple times over the last 10 years, but the combination of forum, email, and 
resource library does not do justice to what we could achieve.

Maybe I’m wrong - and no one has produced a podcast player in Livecode? My 
understanding is that an easy to contribute set of tools that made it easier to 
share stacks and code would help here. As I see it the attempts that have been 
made historically have been somewhat too “closed” for there to the right sort 
of community contribution.

I can mainly speak for my personal experience, but if I produce this podcast 
player, and various libraries for it - then historically I haven't really see a 
good way to share that. When I come across errors or improvements I want to 
make to the dictionary I don’t really see how, or have quite enough faith that 
my contributions will valued - so I make a note to “do that later” and well - 

There is a form of federated architecture for user contributions that looks 
promising that can help. Essentially the trick is to combine both that ability 
of people to make their own personal notes / changes and contributions by 
forking existing material, while also making it very easy to combine these 
contributions into an editorial synopsis. That way each Livecode author wold 
have a tool for their own personal productivity use, and the overall community 
gets the value of the shared content production. Right now the balance between 
my personal space and the sharing is in an unhealthy state of mediation.
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