Hi Richard,

Although I love UNIX, I think this is a much better point.
Looking at the feedback comments I have realized that porting Livecode to BSD may not be worth it.

However, I think it is critical for our community to be able to run Livecode scripting on IOT devices.

IOT and Edge computing is the future (and the present).

I dare to say that Livecode is a much simpler language for IOT than Python (although this is a personal opinion).

If you learn Livecode you kill five birds with one stone:
Desktop, Mobile, Scripting, Web and Server development.

Have you tried developing desktop or mobile applications with Python? It is a tremendous pain.

We need a much wider community to be able to extend Livecode to all areas.

Can you imagine Livecode as a popular option on most the important job posting sites?

I think the first step would be to have a working version of Livecode server for Raspberry.

Livecode currently compiles for many ARM versions.

How difficult could it be to adapt Livecode Server to these versions?

On 10/28/20 11:06 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:
Heriberto Torrado wrote:

> So, here is my idea: What about to create non official versions of
> Livecode server (for scripting purposes) for other platforms not yet
> supported?
> I think it could be good for RunRev: They won't have to work
> supporting those versions and Livecode language will spread to other
> fields.
> What do you guys think? Do you think we'll have enough manpower into
> our community to do that?

Raspberry Pi, w/ Raspbian or other Debian-based Linux (Linux ARM).

Home servers, school labs, IoT, and so much more - all currently lost to us by not having a build for that engine.

The last build was an experiment done by a team member no longer with the company, for LC v7.1.

If you could update the Server edition to v9.6 we could at least have a modern version to work with for faceless applications, and any remaining work for the GUI side would likely be relatively small (certainly smaller than one person trying to knock it all off by themselves).

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