
> The promise of creating standalones and encrypted stacks
> containing code sounds promising, but there are caveats.

Just like anything else - you have to learn the ropes. First time at any task can present some challenges. For those in the habit of encrypting stacks, it comes more naturally.

Script-only would require the most discipline, so start with UI+script projects and work your way up from there.

(Bug-reporting as you go, if necessary. The history of LC protection, like LC everything else, has not been without hiccups along the way.)


No idea if it happened in this particular case, but I see plenty of similar problems people have due to the copy/paste LC coding culture.

By which I mean: How do I do X in LC? Ah, here's some code - presto!

The problem SEEMS solved. Learning SEEMS to have happened.

The perfect Acme solution. Then a different context comes along, maybe a different OS, or an encrypted stack and - wham - coyote hits a wall. Road runner zooms away.

People don't realize (and someone may pipe up and argue against) the fact that just because code works once, in one context, doesn't mean it's good code that should be liberally pasted. Or promoted as sample code. There is so much sample code out there, but the quality really varies. Bad sample code can hurt people.

So to all coders in general and Livecoders in particular - be careful what you paste. Have realistic expectations and a cautious approach. Take the time to understand the code you're working with and the LC keywords involved.

Good code has some extra qualities, such as: robust, efficient, modular, easy to maintain, and widely applicable. Bonus for heavily tested.

Likewise, copy/paste coding does not result in the same level of coding proficiency as fluency to think and write in the LC language. You have to exercise your LC-cep just like any other muscle.

(Here I would anticipate a smart aleck asking why don't I post all the perfect samples; there is always some pushback against both common sense and less-frequent posters on this list. But as usual, I've already answered that question before it was asked. Sorry coyote. Beep beep.)

Hope everyone is doing well!

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
LiveCode Training and Consulting

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