
Thanks a lot for the kind words, it really made my day! <3

Mark, I guarantee that I learned more from you than you from me.

Scott, exploding tea infusers are quite dangerous. We managed to get a refund 
but I’m still terrified of what happened. As for coffee, I’m deep into coffee 
stuff, if you liked that Hario Switch Dripper shown there, you might also enjoy 
the Clever Dripper which makes very similar coffee but it costs way less. About 
25 bucks if I remember. I just find the Hario Switch Dripper prettier. Thanks a 
ton for the kind words as well.

Jacque, I think you made a good choice in deciding to stop working on your FTPs 
tool. It is not worthy to devote too much time into a tool that you won’t see 
much usage. Much easier to create a tool that helps you use Fetch or whatever 
client you normally use. This is a prime candidate for a stack that uses 
AppleScript to automate Fetch (or Transmit, my preferred client). Let me tell 
you that I removed a ton of funny footnotes from the text. Originally the text 
was much more fun, but I was afraid people wouldn’t like it so I removed most 
of the jokes and useless-but-flavourful notes. Next time, I’m leaving them in.

Matthias, you got it! Thats the exact use case that bespoke tools are made for. 
Making something that you need to do often repeatable and safe. 

Bob, oh I never learned to play any musical instrument even though I tried a 
bunch of them. I’m happy that you’re making good use of the book.

So for those that already read it, is there any kind of extra topic or material 
regarding plugins and bespoke tools that you’d like to see covered? I’m keen to 
update this book with new chapters but I have no idea what people are looking 

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