This seems like something I could look into.  Many of the recent improvements 
(additions) to that widget are things that I added.  On the surface this seems 
to be not that difficult.  Please add a feature request in bugzilla for this.

For the second issue, this is easily handled in script.  There is a message for 
‘hiliteChanged’ that you can use to clear the highlight.  You just need to trap 
for empty so you don’t create a loop.  We use this approach in SivaSiva where 
this widget is used a couple places as a menu.  It is useful because you can 
have the highlight show briefly to indicate the touch/click happened.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 30, 2021, at 7:28 PM, HENRY LOWE via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> I am using the LC TreeView widget to implement a sidebar containing a 
> hierarchical menu in a MacOS app. The widget seems well suited for this 
> purpose and I have successfully created a facsimile of the standard sidebar 
> that is used increasingly in both MacOS and iPadOS apps. However, I need to 
> drag rows from a data grid table to a TreeView widget row in the sidebar but 
> the current implementation of the TreeView widget does not report the 
> TreeView widget row (element) where the drop occurred. A TreeView widget 
> message, such as 'ActionDragDrop pPath’ where pPath is the path to the 
> element that was ‘dropped on’ would be incredibly helpful. I have implemented 
> a workaround method off drag and drop to the widget but it occasionally 
> breaks.
> Looking at the LiveCode Builder documentation, widgets can support the 
> following messages related to drag and drop functionality:
> OnDragDrop, On DragEnter, OnDragFinish, OnDragLeave, On DragMove, On 
> DragStart.
> These messages are not currently supported in the TreeView widget LCB source. 
> Adding them would make this incredibly useful widget even more powerful.
> Another issue that I encountered when using the TreeView widget to implement 
> a sidebar hierarchical menu was that clicking on a row in the TreeView widget 
> toggles the row’s hilite state  - click on an item and it hilites, click on 
> it again and it unhilites. While this may be standard behavior for a list, in 
> a menu clicking on a hilited row should not change the row’s hilite state. It 
> should remain hilited. Only clicking on another row (menu item) should 
> unhilite a row and then hilite the selected row. It would be great to have a 
> ’togglehilite’ TreeView property. If true the TreeView would toggle a row’s 
> hilite state as it does now, while if false it would not.
> Any thoughts?
> Henry
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