
Thank you for all your input on this subject. I think everyone has now had an 
opportunity to express opinions, discuss, and understand the changes. As Kevin 
has said previously, if you have constructive ideas on how to improve our new 
model, please do send them to him direct. Naturally people here have strong 
feelings about LiveCode and the direction it should take in the future. I would 
beg that we remain polite, helpful and constructive in expressing such 

I think everything that needs to be said has now been said. I believe it is now 
time to return to the purpose of this list, supporting each other in using 

Warmest regards to all,


Your friendly local listmom.

Heather Laine
Customer Services Manager
LiveCode Ltd

> On 7 Sep 2021, at 08:33, Bernard Devlin via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 12:13 AM Lagi Pittas via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
>> Another company's software I used for visual Foxpro and Delphi over the
>> years was
>> Look at all the languages they support and livecode isn't on there [...]
>> VB.NET, VB6, VBScript, Xbase++, xHarbour, Xojo
>> The question is why Livecode isn't there?
>> Lagi
> The question is: have YOU lobbied chilkat to build an interface for
> Livecode?  I did. I got no reply.
> But when I bought my chilkat license (some years before I lobbied them)
> something went wrong with the payment (my bank cancelled the payment as
> "suspicious").  I got the vilest email from a company I've ever had,
> accusing me of fraud and telling me how the developer would get his own
> back.  His response is seared into my memory (I excused his awful behaviour
> by telling myself "hmm he must have had a significant number of people
> ripping him off with this software"). Despite his vile email, I arranged
> for payment with a different credit card. But when I didn't get a response
> from him re Livecode I decided I'd been too nice in excusing his bad
> behaviour.  By contrast, every email I've ever sent to LC Ltd has resulted
> in a prompt and courteous reply.
> Perhaps if you spent as much time lobbying Chilkat as you spend denigrating
> LC Ltd you might find LC among the software supported by Chilkat?  I doubt
> the developer of Chilkat would allow you on his forum to repeatedly
> denigrate him and his software, criticising his company for supporting
> Filemaker than implementing something you want.
> Once again, if "the opensource community", supposedly "the largest
> demographic", are not at least using their time to lobby e.g. Chilkat to
> provide a Livecode interface, then are they beneficial or are they just a
> drain?  To date the only Livecode user we know who spent time to lobby
> Chilkat is also one of those who is not a free-loader but one who has been
> a license-payer for decades.  What are the scores/hundreds of freeloaders
> doing with their time?
> Regards, Bernard
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