On 3/18/2022 12:18 PM, Dan Friedman via use-livecode wrote:
I can't be the first to bring this up, so sorry if this has been asked 

Is there a current solution for Emojis in text?  On a mobile device, in a 
native field, a user enters a emoji (no method to stop them that I can find).  
I save that text somewhere like a database.  When I load it back (into a LC 
field for display), it appears as a question mark.   What up?   Anyone have 
knowledge on this topic?   Is there a useEmojis property I don't know about?

It probably depends on 2 things:

1) If the app the Emojis are created in is creating them as Unicode Emojis or as images. If they are created as images, then they are probably not getting transferred to the database correctly. If they are Unicode, also make sure they are not being lost in the upload to the database - the database encoding needs to support some Unicode encoding like UFT8

2) If the database has the correct data, then when loading it into a LiveCode field you probably need to textDecode (see dictionary) the data from UTF8 to LiveCode's native (UTF16) text.

See https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html as well

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