I am finding problems with the optionKeyDown handler on both Windows (where it's the ALT key) and macOS (OPTION key). This is in Livecode 9.6.7 STABLE under macOS Mojave and Windows 10

In a new stack, place the following in the card script:

on optionKeyDown pKeyName
  if platform() = "MacOS" then
    put numToChar(charToNum(pKeyName)-128) into tKey1 -- original sample from Dictionary     put numToCodePoint(codepointToNum(pKeyName)-128) into tKey2 -- trying using non-deprecated functions
    answer pKeyName,tKey1,tKey2
  else -- windows
    answer pKeyName
  end if
end optionKeyDown

On macOS, the LC 9.6.7 Dictionary shows the need to strip the "high" bit off the character to get the letter of the key pressed, for example, OPTION-F produces ƒ
The above script on macOS produces for OPTION-F the following ƒ, D, Ë
Where as what you want for either tKey1 or tKey2 to be "F" the key pressed with OPTION-F

I think this is a case where the Dictionary entry for optionKeyDown (for macOS) needs to be updated with a formula that works since LC was updated to Unicode with version 7 "High" ASCII macOS characters are now UNicode and not the same character codes.

But Wait. Windows is even worse

This code on Windows does not produce a letter of any sort. It produces  As soon as you press the ALT key, before you can even press ALT-F, this script displays 65513 in the answer dialog. This, I believe is the RAW key code for the ALT key!

In other words, the optionKeyDown message is not sending the key pressed as a letter/character as the dictionary says and the parameter passed to the optionKeyDown message is the code for the ALT key itself (which makes no sense).

Could enough folks on this list conform both the macOS and Windows errors, so I can log a bug with LiveCode? I am not looking for work-around (I can do that if I have to), just for confirmation that these are bugs.

The macOS can be resolved by a better method for mapping macOS "high-ASCII" characters, now mapped to Unicode in LC, back to the ASCII key characters pressed.

The Windows may not have a work-around as, according to the dictionary, keyDown/keyUp messages are not passed in Control or Alt keys are down, the commandKeyDown, optionKetDown messages are sent instead, so you can using a keyDown handler and check for the altKey() = "down" condition. Perhaps rawKeyDown...

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