Perhaps some expansion of the column "pgContentTypeofColumn" property? The current possible values are: text|svg-lcname|imagedata|imagefile|color|boolean|autoincrement Allowing the addition of 'numeric' and 'datetime' would at least allow a mapping to sorts although sort support 'international' (perhaps should be the default for a polygrid column of type "text" and "binary". I am also not sure how svg-iconname, imagedata, imagefile, and color should sort. Perhaps svg-iconname should sort as "text". Bolean can sort as "text" since ascending puts "false" first and descending puts "true" first.

On 8/15/2022 7:25 PM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:
So it occurred to me, while playing with sorting by columns, that it might be nice to have an additional "sortType" available.

I'd like to be able to say

 - if all the 'things' being sorted on are numbers, then sort numeric, otherwise sort alphabetical.

Would that be a reasonable enhancement request ?

Would "natural" be a reasonable suggested name ?


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