On 8/18/2022 6:29 PM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

If a newcomer needs to display a list, how can they know what to use?

Currently we have:

- list field
- Table field
- DataGrid
- PolyGrid
- PolyList
- others?

Is there a chart listing the features of each that I can point new users to when this question comes up?

No list, but I did discover one reason for choosing PolyGrid over DataGrid recently. Large number of columns (such as user generated research data). The DataGrid is a group and so is limited to a total width of all columns of 32767px, or about 327 columns at the default of 100px per column. Exceed this and the data stops displaying. I have tested PolyGrid with 1000 columns without issue. The Datagrid column limit can also be an issue if you are close to the limit and the user resizes 1 or more columns to exceed the total pixel limit (assuming you have column resizing turned on, which it is by default)

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