Riddle me this..
I was building an Android Production app using 9.6.9 rc2 on Win 10. I kept 
getting errors that the keystore passwords not correct. I tried it 10 times 
until I noticed that when typing in the keystore and the private passwords when 
you type the first character the cursor is before not after the first "*". So 
if you type "test123" the data is entered as "est123T".
I tried this in the message box (ask password clear "Please provide the 
keystore password") the form used the in IDE.
Same error. But if you click into the answer's entry field before typing it 
works as expected. 
It works correctly in 9.6.7. The "clear" option seems to allow typing without 
having to click into the field.

Can anyone verify if they see the same thing? I also see it on Mac Big Sur. If 
so I will enter a QCC regression report.


Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

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