One small point on this: it doesn't matter since we're dealing with HC
files here, but in LC there can be backgrounds that don't appear on any
card. So it would be necessary to add:

   repeat with j = 1 to the number of backgrounds in stack i
     repeat with k= 1 to the number of controls of background j of stack i

Note that this *doesn't* guarantee a single loop through all the controls.
The code would need to handle controls in groups that appear on multiple
cards. In Navigator I needed something like this. I created this, some of
which I wrote years ago, and no warranty is expressed or implied:

function allIDsOfStack stackID
   local tReturnIDList

   put empty into tReturnIDList
   repeat for each line bgID in backgroundIDsOf(stackID)
      put allControlIDsOf(bgID) after tReturnIDList
   end repeat
   repeat for each line cdID in cardIDsOf(stackID)
      put nonGroupChildControlIDsOf(cdID) after tReturnIDList
   end repeat
   return (the long id of stackID) & cr & tReturnIDList
end allIDsOfStack

function allControlIDsOf pContainerID
   local cIDend, cIDendString, controlIDList, controlList
   if not exists(pContainerID) then return empty
   put the long id of pContainerID into pContainerID
   switch word 1 of the name of pContainerID
      case "stack"
         return allIDsOfMainstack(pContainerID)
      case "card"
         put the controlIDs of pContainerID into controlList
         if controlList is empty then return pContainerID & cr
         repeat for each line cID in controlList
            put (the long id of control id cID of pContainerID) & cr after
         end repeat
         return pContainerID & cr & controlIDList
      case "group"
         if word -6 of pContainerID is "card" then put -7 into cIDend else
put -10 into cIDend
         put (word cIDend + 5 to -1 of pContainerID) & cr into cIDendString
         put the controlIDs of pContainerID into controlList
         if controlList is empty then return pContainerID & cr
         repeat for each line cID in controlList
            put "control" && (word 2 to cIDend of the long id of control id
cID of pContainerID) && cIDendString after controlIDList
         end repeat
         return pContainerID & cr & controlIDList
         --return "control" && word 2 to -1 of pContainerID
         return pContainerID
   end switch
end allControlIDsOf

function allUniqueIDsOf pControlList,includeBehaviors
   local tReturn, tWorking, X

   -- returns all the controls within
   put format("group,1\ncard,2\nstack,3") into X
   split X using cr and comma
   put canonicalIDsOf(pControlList) into pControlList
   sort lines of pControlList descending by X[word 1 of each]
   --answer pControlList
   repeat for each line cID in pControlList
      --put the long id of cID into cID
      if tReturn[cID] is not empty then next repeat
      --put true into tReturn[cID]
      if includeBehaviors then
         put canonicalIDsOf(allControlIDsOf(cID),false) into tWorking
         put addBehaviorChains(tWorking) into tBehaviors
         if tBehaviors is not empty then put cr & tBehaviors after tWorking
         split tWorking by cr as set
         put canonicalIDsOf(allControlIDsOf(cID),true) into tWorking
      end if
      --answer tWorking
      --split tWorking by cr as set
      union tReturn with tWorking
   end repeat
   --answer the number of lines of the keys of tReturn
   return the keys of tReturn
end allUniqueIDsOf

function nonGroupChildControlIDsOf pContainerID
   local controlIDList, tReturnIDList

   put empty into tReturnIDList
   put the long id of pContainerID into pContainerID
   put the childControlIDs of pContainerID into controlIDList
   if controlIDList is empty then return pContainerID & cr
   put "control id " before controlIDList
   replace cr with " of" && pContainerID & cr & "control id " in
   repeat for each line controlID in (controlIDList && "of" && pContainerID)
      if word 1 of the name of controlID is not "group" then put controlID
& cr after tReturnIDList
   end repeat
   return pContainerID & cr & tReturnIDList
end nonGroupChildControlIDsOf

function canonicalIDsOf cIDList, returnArray
   local cID, cIDend, R

   repeat for each line cIDx in cIDList
      put the long id of cIDx into cID
      if word 5 of cID is "group" then
         if word -6 of cID is "card" then put -7 into cIDend else put -10
into cIDend
         put 1 into R[word 1 to cIDend of cID && word cIDend + 5 to -1 of
         put 1 into R[cID]
      end if
   end repeat
   if returnArray is true then return R else return (the keys of R) & cr
end canonicalIDsOf

function backgroundIDsOf stackID
   local backgroundIDList, bgID

   put empty into backgroundIDList
   repeat with i = 1 to 999999999
      if not (there is a background i of stackID) then return
      put (the long id of background i of stackID) into bgID
      if word 5 of bgID is not "group" then put bgID & cr after
   end repeat
end backgroundIDsOf

function backgroundsOf stackID,bFilter,returnType,typeModifier
   if returnType = "short name" and bFilter = "backgroundNames" then return
the backgroundNames of stackID
   put empty into R
   repeat with i = 1 to 999999999
      if not (there is a background i of stackID) then return char 1 to -2
of R
      if not (bFilter = "all" \
            or bFilter = "backgroundNames" and the backgroundBehavior of
background i of stackID \
            or bFilter = "base" and word 5 of the long id of background i
of stackID is not "group") then next repeat
         case word 1 of returnType = "name"
            switch typeModifier
               case empty; put "background" && Q(the short name of
background i of stackID) after R; break
               case "short"; put (the short name of background i of
stackID) after R; break
               case "long"; put "background" && (word 2 to -1 of the long
name of background i of stackID) after R; break
            end switch
            if returnType = "name" then break
            put tab after R
         case word 1 of returnType = "id"
            switch typeModifier
               case empty; put (the id of background i of stackID) after R;
               case "short"; put (the short id of background i of stackID)
after R; break
               case "long"; put (the long id of background i of stackID)
after R; break
            end switch
      end switch
      put cr after R
   end repeat
end backgroundsOf

function cardsOf stackID
   repeat with i = 1 to 999999
      if not (there is a card i of stackID) then return char 1 to -2 of R
      put (the short name of card i of stackID) & tab & (the short id of
card i of stackID) & cr after R
   end repeat
end cardsOf

function backgroundIDsOf stackID
   local backgroundIDList, bgID

      repeat with i = 1 to 999999999
         put (the long id of background i of stackID) into bgID
         if word 5 of bgID is not "group" then put bgID & cr after
      end repeat
   catch someErr
   end try
   return backgroundIDList
end backgroundIDsOf

function cardIDsOf stackID
   local cardIDList

   put "card id" && the cardIDs of stackID into cardIDList
   replace cr with " of" && the name of stackID & cr & "card id " in
   return cardIDList && "of" && the name of stackID & cr
end cardIDsOf

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 1:44 PM Paul Dupuis via use-livecode <> wrote:

> I was also going to suggest just brute forcing it. Something like: (code
> not complete or syntax checked)
> repeat with i=1 to the number of stacks
>    repeat with j = 1 to the number of cards in stack i
>      repeat with k= 1 to the number of controls of card j of stack i
>        put the script of control k of card j of stack i into tScript
>        -- look through the lines of tScript for "lock screen", note the
> line number A, then search from there onward for "unlock screen" and
> note the line number B
>        -- if line B begins with (after trimming spaces) "unlock screen
> with" then
>           -- replace line B with "unlock screen with visual effect"
>          -- and replace line A with "lock screen for visual effect"
>      end repeat
>    end repeat
> end repeat
> On 11/21/2022 4:30 PM, Craig Newman via use-livecode wrote:
> > Jacque.
> >
> > Why aren’t you on the forum?
> >
> > Cant you just loop through each line in your handlers, and find the ones
> that contain “lock screen”, both with and without the visual effect thing.
> Search downstream until you find the “unlock” line, That gives you the
> start and finish lines for each handler. Then you can just replace the
> start and finish lines with the new ones.
> >
> > Am I missing this?
> >
> > Craig
> >
> >> On Nov 21, 2022, at 4:24 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm updating a very old set of stacks that use old HC syntax for "lock
> screen". A search with LC's Find utility says there are 723 instances that
> may need to be changed. Right now they look like this:
> >>
> >> lock screen
> >> -- do any number of things
> >> unlock screen with <effect>
> >>
> >> These all need to be changed to:
> >>
> >> lock screen for visual effect
> >> -- do any number of things
> >> unlock screen with visual effect <effect>
> >>
> >> The challenge is that not all "lock screen" commands use a visual
> effect, some are simple lock/unlock pairs. I need to automate this. The
> visual effects are not all the same. Some handlers have multiple instances
> of locking the screen with or without a visual effect.
> >>
> >> I'd use a regex if I could, but back references aren't supported (or
> are they now?) I really don't want to do this manually.
> >>
> >> --
> >> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
> >> HyperActive Software           |
> >>
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