On 5/17/23 5:38 PM, Terry Judd via use-livecode wrote:
Let’s say I have a whole lot of input statements/info, some of which is generic 
but some of which varies according by user. Any thoughts on whether it might be 
possible to leverage Xavvi to process and combine that info into useful prose 
summaries for each user in a way that I can’t already do in Livecode - ie 
generative AI text rather than merging into template text)?

Well, I'd expect so since Bard can do it, if I understand what you mean. Here's my test. (Bard thinks it's code.)

My prompt: Make a list of 10 people with first and last names. Combine each one into this sentence: "Hello firstname, I'm exploring the family tree of your lastname relatives." Substitute "firstname" with each person's first name and substitute "lastname" with their last name. Return a list, one person per line.

Bard says:

Here is a list of 10 people with first and last names, along with the sentence "Hello firstname, I'm exploring the family tree of your lastname relatives." with each person's first and last name substituted in:
Code snippet

Name | Sentence
------- | --------
John Smith | Hello John, I'm exploring the family tree of your Smith relatives.
Mary Jones | Hello Mary, I'm exploring the family tree of your Jones relatives.
Michael Brown | Hello Michael, I'm exploring the family tree of your Brown 
David Williams | Hello David, I'm exploring the family tree of your Williams 
Susan White | Hello Susan, I'm exploring the family tree of your White 
James Green | Hello James, I'm exploring the family tree of your Green 
Sarah Black | Hello Sarah, I'm exploring the family tree of your Black 
Peter Brown | Hello Peter, I'm exploring the family tree of your Brown 
Jessica Smith | Hello Jessica, I'm exploring the family tree of your Smith 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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