> Le 14 juil. 2023 à 08:26, Ludovic THEBAULT via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I use this code to check is there is an internet connection :
> tsNETSETTIMEOUTS 60,0,2000,60000,5,1000
> put tsNetHeadSync("https://google.com/";, tHeaders, tResult, tBytes) into 
> tRecvHeaders
>   if tResult begins with "tsneterr:" then
>      return false 
>   else
>      return true 
>   end if
> But the setting for the timeout of tsNETSETTIMEOUTS is not active, I always 
> have a 30 seconds timeout.
> Is there an other settings ?

Addendum :  it happen when there is a connection (aka in 4G or Wifi) but no 
enough network.

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