On 7/17/23 3:10 AM, Klaus major-k via use-livecode wrote:
Maybe I do not understand it correctly?
Hi Klaus,

Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer Support.

Google Play app search works across title, developer name, and app descriptions.
Your title should be unique and accessible, avoid common terms, and reinforce
what your app is about.

Using common or generic words like "Puzzle" or "Sports" can often increase the
total number of potential search results, thus making your app more difficult 
to find.
Using the search phrase Sehen-Hören-Merken forces our search engine to 
the search term and return results as if the search term were "Sehen - Hören - 
Merken" (in quotes).

Interesting. The app that couldn't be found for me had an "@" sign in the name. So I agree that symbols or punctuation like hyphens may be the problem.

Since their algorithm converts the search term, you could try putting the Google version in the description somewhere. You could put it way at the bottom of the description, just for reference.

I very occasionally see titles like this:
Sehen-Hören-Merken (Sehen - Hören - Merken)

I wondered why but now I think I know.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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