Are you using OS X?
Two things on OS X can cause vertical resizing problems:
1. The dock
If the dock is on the bottom of the screen (even if it is hidden) stacks can be shortened to accommodate area for the dock. Try it on the side and see if that makes a difference.
2. Menus
All usually goes well if menus are created on the first card of a one- card stack. Adding menus after cards have been added to a stack can cause dramatic resizing of the stack as one moves from card to card.
Paul Looney

On Aug 10, 2011, at 1:29 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:

My query from earlier this morning is generating a non-flurry of replies, likely because no one knows the answer.

I have solved the problem with a simple preOpenStack handler, which works fine. However, I feel this issue must represent a gap in my knowledge, which I would like to close.

Further investigation:

On suspendStack
answer the height of this stack
pass suspendStack
end suspendStack

The height is 742

Same for on closeStack -- last instruction before stack closes -- the height is 742

On preOpenStack
answer the height of this stack -- first instruction, before doing anything else
pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack

The height is 712 on some occasions. On other occasions it might be 692 or 696, and so on.

The width does not change.

Is this a possible bug? Is this a feature I don't know about?

It's on a laptop, but the rect of the stack is smaller than the screenRect.



On Aug 10, 2011, at 7:57 AM, Timothy Miller wrote:

So, heerza deal,

One stack, several cards, two groups on each card, groups behave as backgrounds. Top of one group is 1, bottom is 199. Top of second group is 200, bottom is 740. This group has a vertical scroll bar.

"Resizable" for the stack is turned off. "Lock size and position" is on, for both groups.

I set the height of the stack to 742. Save. Close the stack. Open it. The height is now less than 742. Sometimes it's 712. Sometimes it's 692, or 696, or possibly other values.

There are no scripts that alter card size, group size or stack size.

Repeat. Same thing. The change of height is inconsistent, even if I do nothing to the stack except open, change the height, and close.

When the stack size gets smaller, I can't scroll to the bottom of the lower group, and the arrows at the bottom of the scroll bar get cut off.

I noticed this issue a few weeks ago, on the same stack. Then it stopped happening.

Now it's doing it again.

I looked at the message watcher when closing the stack. Didn't understand everything I saw, but nothing surprising.


I guess I could fix this with a script on openStack or preOpenStack, but I want to understand why it happens.

Thanks in advance.


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