Does it not handle script-only stack behaviors? I get a blank display for
Navigator (which has no code other than SoS behaviors).


On Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 10:32 AM Andreas Bergendal via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Those frequenting the forums may have seen this already, but I thought I'd
> share it here too now:
> If you want to see a graphic map of the inter-relations of all the
> handlers in the scripts of your LiveCode projects, my tool
> ScriptDependencies now features an extremely cool flowchart output (using
> the Mermaid javascript lib).
> Here’s an example of how a script flowchart can look:
> A few easy steps to test it on your own scripts:
> 1) Download ScriptDependencies here:
> 2) Open the stack, click the top left cog wheel and add at least one stack
> (that has at least some handlers calling other handlers) to a project.
> 3) Close the project pane and click "Start mapping and analysis”.
> 4) Click ”Create flowchart”. Boom! :)
> On Mac, the browser widget can display the flowchart in-stack, enabling
> some interactivity (click a node to highlight the arrows to and from it).
> On Windows and Linux, where the browser widget has, er... room for
> improvement…, the flowchart is instead displayed in an external browser
> window (minus interactivity).
> My intention with ScriptDependencies is to provide a code analysis and
> live documentation tool (of some kind) for LiveCode projects. I need it
> myself for some big LC projects, and thought it might be useful also for
> other LC devs.
> The tool has been thoroughly tested by LC veterans like bn (Bernd), jacque
> (Jacqueline) and mwieder (Mike), who have all provided invaluable feedback
> and improvement suggestions, bringing the tool up to quite a professional
> level.
> I hope you’ll find use for it - or at least enjoy seeing your scripts
> presented as a bouquet of flowers, a piece of art! :)
> Any feedback is very welcome!
> /Andreas
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