I've been away, in various senses, and only just read about all this.

I have enormous respect for Kevin and LiveCode.

I've been using the product since it was Metacard, and Revolution (as it was then) was an enormous upgrade. The first bug I reported in the quality control centre was over 20 years ago (was there another system before then? I don't recall anymore). (And indeed the 64th report I made, marked as CONFIRMED but still not actioned, that I'd still like, was reported over 20 years ago... 🤨).

I've used it to make tools for myself, a lot; tools for my colleagues a bit; tools for clients a bit. Mostly now it's tools for myself, which very rarely get built into standalones; but I still maintain a few tools for clients.

As the world developed over the decades, I feared for Kevin's company, whatever it was variously called. I felt that they were pursuing an almost impossible mission, maintaining and extending an extremely niche language across multiple platforms - having to persuade potential clients to buy a language before they could try to persuade them to buy a product. I supported most or all of the various fundraisers, sometimes with my company's money but more often with my own, even for developments I'm not interested in like HTML and Xavvi; in solidarity. I'm sorry that the open source experiment didn't work out, I'm sorry that the Filemaker idea didn't work out.

I am frankly surprised, and deeply impressed, that they have survived this long. It is a tribute to their tenacity and agility.

They have the right to take the company and product in whatever direction they think will produce the best result, and I wish them all the best luck in the world.

Having said all that:

- Create is not for me.

- I'll keep using Classic while I can

- Please put everything we to need know in text - I can't watch videos*

- Three things I don't yet know:
   - Is Classic changing in any way - e.g. will standalones phone home?
   - Classic supported to 2025 - is that Jan 1 2027, or Dec 31 2027?
- When Classic goes EOL, will it stop working, or just not receive updates for new OS, app store rules etc?
Thanks and all the best,


* doc hawk wrote (01/08/2024):
> You say the as if expecting someone to view a video to get information wasn’t an act of Evil . . . :)

- and probably against DDA/ADA/EA

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