Roger Eller wrote:

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Databases are handy for working with very large data stores, esp. where you
need relationality but for simple things like a checksum value for a file,
Mark Weider's suggestion is probably the simplest and most efficient, to
just store a checksum file with the actual file,

Richard, would you have the same reservations about database usage overhead
if a standalone or revlet were used as the client?  There are over 100,000
files pre-existing, so an initial creation of a server-side md5digest for
every file would be a challenge in itself.  How about a standalone which
lives on the server-side (always running - kinda cgi-like) which accepts
requests for a files md5digest and returns that string to the client
standalone/revlet before starting the download.

If the checksums are pre-calculated I don't know that it would make much practical difference either way. With so many files in that directory, offhand I see no practical detriment with adding a few thousand more. ;)

You might see a minor performance improvement if you split the files into sub-directories of <32k files each, but I'm not sure it would amount to much.

If the values are to be calculated on the fly then a DB may not help much anyway. Writing a CGI to do that on demand would be a snap, provided the files are of a reasonable size to be loaded into RAM and run through md5Digest (or sha1Digest, which is said to be theoretically slightly more reliable).

I believe there's a limit to the size of files that can be run through LiveCode's checksum functions - anyone here know what that limit is offhand?

If your file sizes exceed LC's limit you could use a shell call for that from your CGI.

 Richard Gaskin
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