In all fairness, I attended the summer academy and earned quite a few 
upgrades/deployment options for free and then they offered me a great deal on 
the gold option. If it were not for the buginess of the web deployment module 
and the incompleteness of the android deployment module, I would be far more 
satisfied than I am. I am just surprised by the version upgrade. I did not see 
it coming. It was a well kept secret and the time frame just does not seem that 
long since I opted for the gold edition. 

So, I am on the fence here. Do I upgrade or not. Fact is, I really like live 
code as a language. For that reason, I am unwilling to totally step away. Its 
just that I am severely low on funds, so upgrading ALL my deployment options is 
impossible for me.

I fear that if I upgrade to 5.0 I will not be able to deploy to anything except 
pc and Mac unless I pony up the money for each deployment option a la carte. 
Believe me, if I could afford $800 per year, I would opt for the complete 
option. However, times are tough for everyone and I am simply not making the 
kind of money I wad just a year ago. 

I am at an empass. Everything I want to create is audio visual in nature and 
the new 5.0 seems to be going in that direction. 



Mark Schonewille <> wrote:

>Hi Mike,
>I agree. It would be nice to either know what to expect or get free updates 
>for a reasonable amount of time. RealStudio offers 3 months of updates for 
>free. That's reasonable and avoids unexpected surprises. Thus I didn't need to 
>think long before buying my RealStudio license.
>When I paid for my Revolution Enterprise license in 2009, I got one single 
>major update (4.0) two months after buying my license. I felt this was 
>actually the version I had paid for, because I already had the previous 
>version (3.5). I felt I was entitled to at least one more major update, 
>because I had paid so much money. The next major update (4.5) was released 
>right after my license expired, while I personally felt I had actually paid 
>for that next update. That's very unpleasant and makes me feel I wasted my 
>money (and that's a very friendly way to describe my feelings).
>Currently, I am trying to decide whether to buy 5.0, but it is very difficult, 
>without information about what to expect, no free updates, no trial versions 
>even (I got free trial versions for older versions and am grateful for those, 
>but the trials only made me find essential bugs and I had to decide to wait). 
>I kind of accidentally asked RunRev to help me solve this problem, but 
>although I did get a few extra trial versions, it was to no avail.
>I asked RealStudio what they think. Although I'm not sure I should quote them, 
>it seems they just can't imagine that the number of LiveCode trial versions is 
>Best regards,
>Mark Schonewille
>Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
>KvK: 50277553
>See what you get with only a small contribution. All our LiveCode downloads 
>are listed at
>On 20 okt 2011, at 14:36, Admin wrote:
>> Heather, 
>> Oh. In every other program I have purchased, including
>> software IDEs, it is almost always common to get a year (or more) of
>> updates, so it was kind of assumed. For some reason, I thought I
>> upgraded to complete, but you are right about me upgrading to Gold. I
>> checked my purchases. Truth be told, I have not had Live Code that long
>> and had no idea 5 was 'around the corner' considering how much I plunked
>> down (although it was still a good deal). I would have waited if I knew
>> that. I wish there was a product version cycle countdown timer or
>> something. I mean, you went from 4.6 to 5. What happened to 4.7, 4.8 and
>> 4.9???? (lol). 
>> Mike 
>> On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:41:10 +0100, Heather
>> Nagey wrote: 
>>> I'm rather concerned about this. The Omega bundle did
>> not include a 
>>> year of updates, and if anyone told you it did, they
>> were misinformed, 
>>> and giving you incorrect advice. Can you point to
>> where this 
>>> information was provided?
>>> I've checked your license
>> entitlement, and your upgrade was to the 
>>> Gold bundle, with a very
>> substantial discount applied due to the free 
>>> platforms you earned
>> during the Summer Academy. The Gold bundle does 
>>> not carry an extended
>> upgrade entitlement, only the Complete license 
>>> offers this. Your
>> upgrade was quite close to the cut off date for 
>>> getting LiveCode 5
>> free however. If you email me in support directly 
>>> we might come to
>> some kind of arrangement.
>>> I'd like to re-iterate however, that we
>> certainly never promised a 
>>> year of updates with the Omega bundle. The
>> only license type we sell 
>>> that carries a year of updates is the
>> Complete license.
>>> Regards,
>>> Heather
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