On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 7:50 PM, Mark Talluto wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> I added to your very cool script a slight bit to make the cm ruler true on
> any monitor.  Users will have to adjust the three variables at the top to
> represent their monitors accurately.
> on mouseUp
>      put 1920 into tMonitorWidth
>      put 1200 into tMonitorHeight
>      put 24 into tMonitorDiag
>      put sqrt((tMonitorWidth * tMonitorWidth) + (tMonitorHeight *
> tMonitorHeight)) into tDiagRes
>      put round(tDiagRes/tMonitorDiag,3) into tDPI
>      put tDPI /2.54 into Q
>      repeat with i = 0 to 10
>            new grc
>            set the style of last grc to Polygon
>            set the points of last grc to 25,300 & return & 25,307
>            set the loc of last grc to 25+ i*Q,300
>            set the selected of last grc to true
>            new grc
>            set the style of last grc to Polygon
>            set the points of last grc to 39,306 & return & 39,310
>            set the loc of last grc to 39+ i*Q,302
>            set the selected of last grc to true
>            new fld
>            set the opaque of last fld to false
>            set the width of last fld to 17
>            set the height of last fld to 15
>             set the textSize of last fld to 9
>             set the showBorder of last fld to false
>            set the margins of last fld to 0,4,0,4
>            set the textAlign of last fld to center
>            set the lockText of last fld to true
>            set the autoHilite of last fld to false
>            set the showFocusBorder of last fld to false
>            set loc of last fld to 25+ i*Q,292
>            put i into last fld
>            set the selected of last fld to true
>      end repeat
>      group
>      set the showBorder of last grp to true
>      set the lineSize of last grp to 1
>      set the threeD of last grp to false
>      set the height of last grp to 27
>      set the opaque of last grp to true
>      set the backgroundColor of last grp to 255,255,205
>      set the borderColor of last grp to 147,147,147
>       set the script of last grp to "on mouseDown" & cr & "grab me" & cr &
> "end mouseDown"
> end mouseUp
> On Nov 2, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Michael Kristensen wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > Here is a nice cm ruler that span fx a iMac 27. Only a click away.
> >
> > Make a new wd
> > Make a btn
> >
> > Put this script in it and click...

get the screenRect to get tMonitorWidth and tMonitorHeight.
Then there's only the tMonitorDiag to manually input.

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