On 1/4/12 10:52 PM, Kay C Lan wrote:

With 5.0.1 and prior when starting my stack the LC splash screen comes up,
then the IDE Tool Palette, then after the LC splash screen disappears my
stack appears. Under 5.0.2 my stack appears before the Tool Palette and on
top of the LC splash screen, which gives LC a nice zippy feel, but
unfortunately two buttons (out of 26) are not displayed, which should be
displayed and are displayed in all previous versions of Rev.

It isn't just buttons, a few others have reported anomalies in the startup sequence with 5.0.2, and one of my own stacks is misbehaving too -- not with buttons, but with libraries loading. Something went awry with this build. Stacks are loading before all the IDE resources are available.

You can bypass the issue if you start up the IDE first and then open your stack from the File menu.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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