Hi Takashi,

Am 25.01.2012 um 16:56 schrieb 吉野 孝:

> Hi, Klaus
> Thank you for your quick reply!
> I changed my script, but it does not work on an android.
> (It does work on my mac.)
> The following are the test script.
> (URL is very easy! thanks)
> - Write button
> on mouseUp
>   put fld "Data" into URL("file:" & specialFolderPath(“documents”) & "/" & 
> “testFile.txt”)
>   put the result into fld "msg"
> end mouseUp

What is "the result" here?

> - Read button
> on mouseUp
>   put URL("file:" & specialFolderPath(“documents”) & "/" & “testFile.txt”) 
> into fld "Data"
>   put the result into fld "msg"
> end mouseUp
> # "/" -> ":"(mac) 
> On my mac, those scripts work well.
> But, on my android, "can't open file" is shown in field "msg"

Sorry, have no android license, no idea what's going wrong here.

Maybe you should check first, if the file exists?

- Read button
on mouseUp
  put specialFolderPath(“documents”) & "/" & “testFile.txt” into tFile
  if there is a file tFile then
    put URL("file:" & tFile) into fld "Data"
    put the result into fld "msg"
  answer "No file yet!"
 end if
end mouseUp



Klaus Major

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