Agreed that a full implementation would be better; I'm just saying that, 
compared to the present setup, where there is no source control whatsoever, a 
system that at least allowed merging code in a controlled fashion would be a 
huge improvement. 

I would hope we can do better than card-level locking, but better that than 
nothing at all. 

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 20, 2012, at 11:51 AM, Bob Sneidar <> wrote:

> Ick. So easy to lose track that way. Having multiple independent copies of a 
> project floating around is in my opinion to be avoided at all costs. In a 
> real multi-dev system, the control would have to update the existing client 
> copies each time an item was checked out or checked in, so that each user 
> would have as up to date a copy as possible. Ideally, when an item is checked 
> in, each user with something checked out would either get a notification that 
> there were updates, and be allowed to choose to update to the latest 
> revision, or it *could* be done automatically. However, due to the nature of 
> the IDE, you would have to account for running scripts on the client end and 
> not update until an idle time. 
> It could be done, but it would be complex. I think at the very least, each 
> user would have to checkout a card, and that card and all it's objects would 
> be "locked" for modification by the versioning system. That is where a 
> database would be handy. A system which used both XML for the object 
> descriptions, and a database that kept track of client checkout, object 
> locking and date/time stamping would be ideal. 
> It seems LC multi-developer systems are trickier than otherwise, because a 
> project is not just code as it would be in a C or Java based system. There 
> are objects which, although typically static, can be altered, and can affect 
> the execution of the code. But if all you cared about was keeping track of 
> changes made, and you didn't care about multi-developer checkout of objects, 
> simply recording changes might be enough. 
> Bob
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:07 PM, Geoff Canyon Rev wrote:
>> I didn't store the ID because when I wrote it (and for long after that) the
>> ID was immutable, so there was no need to store it because it couldn't be
>> set.
>> That said, I'm guessing that a monolithic XML file is not the way to go
>> here. Someone who knows git better than I will correct me, but it would be
>> more useful to store each item as a separate file within a directory
>> (hierarchy).
>> I'm tempted to say that there are some things that wouldn't be
>> worth/necessary to put into version control. Heck, you could start with
>> just the scripts. So if I'm working on a project with you, we could agree
>> ahead of time that I'm not in charge of design, but just code. You could
>> send me a copy of the stack at some point, and an IDE tool would be able to
>> use basic git commands to refresh/update the scripts of all the objects.
>> But because we agreed, I know that if I move an object, or create a new
>> one, or delete one, that won't be captured. Maybe that's not ideal -- if I
>> find that something is a pixel off, that's a pain not to be able to fix it
>> right there. But it would be somewhat simpler to implement.
>> On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 8:43 PM, Alejandro Tejada 
>> <>wrote:
>>> Interesting enough, it does not include the ID among
>>> the properties saved as XML:
>>> But adding this, and others new properties, should be a
>>> piece of cake for professionals developers in
>>> this platform. ( Not me! :-D )
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