On 02/23/2012 11:20 AM, Malte Brill wrote:
Thanks for the feedback so far guys.

Andre: I also have that impression. Now, what can we do to get it up to speed? 
With Linux I am always unsure if I just forgot to install something that LC 
depends on. A simple example: Under UBUNTU an app of mine just looks like it 
should. No problem with the looks over there. However under OpenSuse, patterns 
just will not draw. No dice. I figured out so much that this is a GNOME 
(working) versus KDE (not working) thing. What really scares me is the exit on 
signal 11 issue. How does one debug that???

Pierre: I am happiely using LC Server. As long as there is no GUI involved, it 
really appears rock solid. Got a bit of a problem that there is no IBM system Z 
engine, however that is something I should have checked beforehand and indeed 
is rather exotic.

Peter: Well, I could live with that (not for main development, but for 
deployment). Greatest concern is stability for larger scale applications.

I miss Richard a little. He became some sort of a power Linux LC user recently, 
didn't he? Richard?

Appreciate all penguins that care to chime in!

1. Running OK under MATE [Ubuntu 12.04 alpha]

1.1. Running OK under XFCE.

1.2. Running OK under GNOME 2 (Ubuntu 11.04), [SalineOS].

1.3. Running OK under UNITY [Ubuntu 11.10].

2. Linux PPC engine??? Does this really involve a lot of work on top of the Linux PC engine? I have inherited a slew of G3 iMacs that do a lot better with several Linux PPC distros than Mac OS anything; the only thing that stands in the way of my deploying them is the lack of a Linux PPC engine to rebuild standalones of my 75 app strong EFL family I use in my school.

RunRev appear, always, to be targetting the high-end market; while claiming to offer something for the low-end and educational market (which, often enough, coincide). There are lakhs of mac PPCs out "there" using Linux PPC owing to licensing issues with Mac that are not
    being served by Livecode.

2.1. IBM system Z. I do think RunRev made a mistake dropping all the engines they used to offer; especially as there is a move away from the
       Windows/Macintosh duopoly to a more diverse universe.

3. Fonts under 'set the useUnicode to true' do not redraw so that they can be seen (GNOME, UNITY, MATE) [ 4.5 ]

4. Alcibiade's eyes: It's crap cross-platform, that the built-in documentation is made for people with 20-20 vision, and that there is not something like the CTRL + as per web-browsers that allows fonts to be resized. As someone who has only has spectacles for close-up (I'm long-sighted) for the last 18 months I appreciate Alcibiade's comments more than I did previously, and, as such, I owe him an apology. Praying daily for one of the RunRev team to get glasses . . .

5. KDE: really haven't tried that as the new KDE gives me the same creepy feeling, eye-candy-wise as Windows 7.

Certainly RunRev need to take Linux a bit more seriously; and I find myself grinding my teeth a bit when I think of all the effort that they have put into development for mobile platforms at the expense of getting the Linux version up to spec.

Richmond Mathewson.

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