Dear LC Folks,

What is the 'best' way to perform these 2 calculations with LiveCode?

1) Calculate a person's age, given a birthdate:

   Calculates the number of birthdays from a given date, up to and including 
   @param pBirthDate the birthdate
   @return a positive integer representing the number of birthdays from 
pBirthDate to today.
function currentAge pBirthDate
end currentAge

2) Calculate whether an *anniversary* falls within a time frame - ie., within a 
week, within 2 weeks, within a month of today:

   Determines whether an anniversary date is close to a 'reference date'.
   @param pAnniversaryDate the anniversary date
   @param pReferenceDate the date that is supposed to be 'close' - or not - to 
the anniversary date
   @pTimeFrame a time period, in seconds, that determines what 'close' is: it 
can be 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, etc.
   @return a boolean: if the anniversary date is sufficiently 'close' (as 
specified by pTimeFrame) to the reference date,
   then it returns TRUE, otherwise it returns FALSE.
function isAnniversaryClose pAnniversaryDate, pReferenceDate, pTimeFrame
end isAnniversaryClose

I'm not being lazy, but the algorithms I came up with look so 'convoluted' that 
I *know* there must be an easier way. I know that usually in every language 
there is a 'standard' or 'best-practice' way to perform these standard date 
calculations, so rather than re-inventing the wheel, I thought I'd run it by 
you, Masters, and be humbled by your experience! :-)

Many thanks in advance,

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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