
I think large companies like MS or Apple can have educational programs that 
they can write off as charity, but it becomes a much more difficult thing to do 
with small to mid sized companies. It's tempting to think that exposing 
students to something like Livecode would enhance learning in general, but is 
that true? It seems it would only assist a computer programming class, and 
something as specific or "niche" as Livecode, as much as I love working with 
it, would not even be my first choice were I to be setting up a basic high 
school or junior high curriculum. 

That being said, I can envision a great deal of benefit deploying educational 
apps to schools, were someone to create them. To be attractive however, there 
would have to be a whole range of products, or a single product that allowed a 
school to purchase different modules. Otherwise it might appear too specific to 
purchase as a generalized tool for education. 

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