On 10/12/12 9:09 AM, FlexibleLearning.com wrote:
When I close a stack, the LC IDE insists on asking if I want to save it even
when unnecessary (auto-save is built in).

I have tried these to no avail...

on closeStack
   lock messages

on suspendStack
   lock messages

on closeStackRequest
   lock messages

Anything else? The culprit looks like an IDE backscript, but darned if I can
find it and I cannot trace into it.

That's the one thing that bugs me the most too. Here's the fix:

 put "" into gREVStackStatus[the short name of this stack]

The problem is that it will get reset quite a lot, and you can't trap it on closestack because the IDE gets the closestack message first. I don't try to fix it very often because you have to manage it everywhere, but I have a couple of stacks where LiveCode's dirty flag only occurs on closefield, and so I insert it into a closefield handler to clear things out.

Since I do open stacks in both LC and MC, I wrote this handler:

on clearRevGlobal
  if there is no stack "mctools" then
    global gREVStackStatus
    put "" into gREVStackStatus[the short name of this stack]
  end if
end clearRevGlobal

Then I just call that repeatedly as needed.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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