Hi Dave,

I just wanted to tell you how appreciative I am for this feedback. I'm still 
experiencing this codesign failure problem, and I don't know where to turn for 
help other than this list. I'll try to use your information to solve my problem 
next week as I am entertaining guests for a few days, but I didn't want to wait 
that long to thank you.


On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Dave Kilroy2 <d...@businessplaninsight.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> OK I can now sign code and build apps for iOS!
> I'm not 100% sure how I did it, but there were two critical stages: the
> first was when I realised that the rogue extra development certificate MUST
> be hiding somewhere on my MacBook Pro (I had previously been convinced it
> was hiding somewhere in my account on the Provisioning Portal). 
> Then, after several hours of fruitless looking today, when I was back in
> Keychain Access for the umpteenth time I removed the 'login' keychain from
> view (by accident I think) and had a look in the 'system' keychain - and in
> there was the naughty developer certificate waiting for me (without a public
> or private key). For some reason it didn't show up if I was looking in the
> 'system' keychain whilst the 'login' keychain was in the left-hand panel of
> Keychain Access, but once the 'login' keychain was gone the certificate
> showed up!
> So I deleted the naughty certificate, switched back to XCode and removed all
> provisioning profiles, certificates etc, revoked provisioning profiles and
> certificates on the Provisioning Portal and rebooted. When I reopened XCode
> I was planning to hit the 'refresh' button and let XCode get all new
> profiles and certificates for me - but when I saw the blank login screen
> realised that I would need my 'login' keychain back again - so I went back
> to Keychain Access and imported the 'login' keychain once again, went back
> to XCode and hit the 'Refresh' button - after a few seconds it created new
> profiles and certificates for me with no sign of extra developer
> certificates!
> I then tested my XCode 'Hello World' app and that built OK and installed on
> my iPad - I then opened LiveCode and built and installed a LiveCode app -
> and everything worked perfectly Woohoo!!!
> So one of the main things I learnt today is that the keychains in Keychain
> Access are actually separate entities and 'a bit tricky' 
> I'm pretty sure that I included a lot of unnecessary steps in my description
> above - and I look forward to hearing from others on better ways of handling
> keychains in Keychain Access and better ways of achieving what I did by
> accident :)
> Kind regards
> Dave
> PS: the Apple Worldwide Developer Center staff I dealt with were all very
> nice and intelligent people - but they were of no help to me at all.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/iOS-standalone-what-to-do-about-code-signing-failures-tp4658701p4658789.html
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