So, I found that the Unicode Consortium puts a smiley face at address 1F600 (hex) = 128512(decimal),

but when I go

set the useUnicode to true
set the unicodeText of fld "feeld" to numToChar(128512)

I get a nifty Bengali char that returns 62976, which is, rather predictably,
128512 - 65536 (or 256 x 256).

And, while that is all rather jolly in terms of base 16 Maths is doesn't do much for
my urge to propagate smiley faces all over the shop.

Doing this:

set the useUnicode to true
set the unicodeText of fld "feeld" to numToChar(65536+62976)

gives me numToChar(62976)

Now I assume (dangerous business that) that there is a way (???) to get hold of the characters in the higher planes (i.e. above 65536) of the Unicode font system, but don't know how to do that.

Does anybody know?


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