On February 10, 2014 at 17:24:35, Kevin Miller (ke...@runrev.com) wrote:

The only thing we could do would be to speed things up by 
further expanding our dev team, which could bring delivery forward for 
³pet² features. I guess we could crowd fund that. 

So - here is an open question I don¹t know the answer to. Is there 
appetite for this in the community? 

Kind regards, 


I would happily join to a crowd funding to speed important things up.
But, a bold but, *pet features* and *essentials* should be defined very 
I believe, many of us will support another crowd-funding 
which focuses on *essentials*, things which cannot be done in Livecode alone.

There are really, really important things which we couldn’t do by ourselves or 
without the help of an external.
Unicode is one of those things, group size limits {int16 thing} and 
non-blocking url commands are, too.

I would define them as following;
pet feature: a feature for which a workaround can be found.
essential: no workaround, engine must change or an external is needed.

On February 10, 2014 at 17:09:06, Andrew Kluthe (and...@ctech.me) wrote:

 I'd sell a piece of my liver for url 
commands that were non-blocking. 


Example to an essential feature.
Blocking url commands are deal-breaker and finding an acceptable work-around is 
almost impossible.
They break many things including user responsiveness.

To quote from Crowley after modernizing the Hell {watching Supernatural, 
“Nobody likes to wait!”

On February 10, 2014 at 17:56:39, Andrew Kluthe (and...@ctech.me) wrote:

 Any kind of timelines or updates on any of the stretch goals other than 
independence would be great. ... it is also the least 
important to folks who aren't doing mac or mobile dev.  

Example to a pet feature.
These are / should not be that much important even to a seasoned mac/mobile 
developer, in my humble opinion.
Using a couple of png’s for theming 
and 40 lines of pure Livecode script for resizing were 
all I needed for 20+ finished projects {published business apps} in the last 
two years.

Rotating an image without wiggling could be important to someone {me}
and having built-in commands for json parsing to someone else.

But these can be done at least to some degree via pure Livecode.

As I said, *pet features* and *essentials* should be defined very carefully.
We’ll support, I will support another crowd-funding which focuses on 
*essentials*, things which cannot be done in Livecode alone.


~ Ender
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