On Mar 19, 2014, at 9:57 AM, "J. Landman Gay" <jac...@hyperactivesw.com>

> On 3/19/14, 10:25 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:
>> I am struggling to see when this would present an impassible problem.
> I grant that it's trivial and not a high priority. But it makes the language 
> inconsistent, and I see that as the primary issue.
> I gave an example in another post of how it could affect scripts. Try this in 
> a newly created field with no content:
>  set the cText of this cd to the htmltext of fld 1
>  put (the cText of this cd = empty)
> Empty is no longer empty. Sometimes it will matter.

HtmlText is an odd beast. I think Robert may be on the right track when he 
wonders about it being an add-on. Try this:

Paste the following html list markup in field "source":

<li>List item 1</li>
<li>List item 2</li>

Now use it as the source to set the htmlText of another field "dest":

  set the htmlText of fld "dest" to fld "source"

Now examine the htmlText of fld "dest". You get this:

<ol type="1">
<p>List item 1</p>
<p>List item 2</p>

Now manually select the text in fld "dest" and hit delete. The contents of fld 
"dest" looks like this:


No matter what you do you can't manually delete the first list item marker. The 
htmlText of "dest" now looks like this:

<ol type="1">

The field thinks it's a list and you can't change it's mind. Unless you do this:

  put empty into fld "dest"

At which point the htmlText is <p></p>. Which is where this all started. :)

We had an interesting discussion of the html list issue in the Quality Control 
center a couple of years ago: http://quality.runrev.com/show_bug.cgi?id=9342


Devin Asay
Learn to code with LiveCode University

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