See if it works with the non SSL endpoint. Might be a certificate thing.

Sorry for  the short response.


Andrew Kluthe
On Mar 30, 2014 1:11 PM, "Michael Doub" <> wrote:

> Is there anything different about using the post command on live code
> server as compared to a mac desktop?   I am trying to send mail via
> postmark.   On my server I have the following script:
> <?lc
>    set the ErrorMode to "inline"
>    put "/home/ua875508/public_html/" into mainpath
>    put mainpath & "libJson.livecode" into jsonLib
>    put mainpath & "cbEngine.livecode" into cbEngine
>    start using jsonLib
>    start using cbengine
>    put ProcessMail ($_POST_RAW)
> ?>
> I drop the stack cbEngine.livecode on my server after testing on the
> desktop.   in this stack, I have a mouseup hander that calls the
> ProcessMail function with dummy data for easy debugging.   Everything works
> as expected the desktop.  The post command does it thing I get the expected
> response from postmark.  When I move the stack to the server environment,
> the post command seems to do nothing and I get nothing returned at all.
> Can anyone provider me with any guidance?
> Thanks,
>     Mike
> -- For addtional API
> Information
> function libPostmark_SendEmail pMessageJSON
>    get the keys of pMessageJSON
>    if it <> empty then
>       put arrayToJson(pMessageJSON) into outgoing
>    else
>       put pMessageJSON into outgoing
>    end if
>    set the httpHeaders to "Accept: application/json" & return \
>          & "Content-Type: application/json" & return \
>          & "X-Postmark-Server-Token: my token goes here"
>    post outgoing to URL "";
>    put jsonToArray(it) into theResults
>    if theResults["ErrorCode"] <> 0 then
>       return it
>    else
>       return true
>    end if
> end libPostmark_SendEmail
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