Regarding paging of text.

I too have wanted to do this and have been flummoxed by the nature of text 
fields and their visual appearance capabilities. Unfair I know but still 
I borrowed a solution from a stack on Livecodeshare (the name of which escapes 
me, not being at my desk.)
Firstly you will need to set the text height as fixed for the fields to get any 
consistency in the results.
Unless there is a large difference in text heights within the field I have 
found it safe to set a value that accommodates the largest and leave it at 
that. Sure the visual line spacing is increased, but not so as to make one 
Secondly use two fields, one for each page, side by side, grouped with their 
tops at the same level.
The group's height is set to the height of the virtual page that you want, and 
both field's heights are set to the formatted height of the content of field 1. 
(At this stage, this is the same for both fields).
Now scrolling the group will scroll both fields in sync.
To get different page chunks on each page ( and allow for a blank page at the 
end of the second field) I simply added <return> Characters to the end of the 
second field. The number being equal to the group's height divided by the 
textheight setting of the fields. (Hence the requirement for fixed text height.)
Lastly I set the vscroll of the second field to the height of the group. 
(Remember its height was equal to the formatted height of field 1 but now has 
extra content and so can be scrolled.)
Now the second field (page 2) seems to start where the first field ends.
To page, just have a button that increases or decreases the vscroll of the 
group by the height of the group.
It works surprisingly well.

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