Hey David,

the easing functions are your friend here. I am currently travelling, however I 
will make sure that I set up a little demo as soon as I am back.

To get you started, looking at aeEaseInOut

put aeEaseInOut(100,200,2000,500,2)

where 100 would be the x coordinate of the point at start of the animation,200 
the desired end coordinate, 2000 the duration of the animation in millisecs, 
500 the elapsed time in millisecs and 2 a parameter the formula needs to 
determine how "strong" the easing effect is taken into account. the result is a 
single value (112.5 in this case), so that would be where the x coordinate of 
the point would need to be after 500 millisecs have passed. This may sound a 
tad bit confusing now, however as soon as I am back home I will set up a demo 
stack (and maybe add something to AE that handles pointlist transformation over 
time ;-) )



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