On 15 May 2014, at 7:32 am, Rodney Green <green.rod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...] In attempting to parse some json data I can't find what the final output
> should look like. [...]

You can view the official JSON specs - very easy to understand - here:


As you probably already know, JSON documents are plain-text files, containing 
at the root either a Javascript array (defined by "[...]") or a Javascript 
object ("{...}"). An array is a simple list of values, while an object is a 
list of "key:value" pairs. The array/object at the root can itself contain 
other arrays and/or objects, each of which in turn can contain other 
arrays/objects, and so on indefinitely, building a structured hierarchy of data.

A while ago I wrote a JSON parser in LiveCode. The *very heavily commented* 
code can be found here:


I hope this may be of help!

Igor Couto
Sydney, Australia

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