Thanks for all the good ideas. For line plots, I do create a line and set the 
points of the line to the values I want. For plots with discrete symbols (there 
may be many thousands), I draw directly into an image using a derivative of 
code I got from Colin's simple draw program. This works well, but I noticed a 
huge slowdown going to livecode 7, so I'll have to spend some time optimizing 
my repeat loops.

Grouping plot elements will simplify my code, and since I rely heavily on 
snapshots, I really appreciate that the dev team did some work to make it more 

Thanks again for the ideas and help.

William Prothero

> On Sep 8, 2014, at 3:44 AM, Beat Cornaz <> wrote:
> Hi William,
> If you have a line plot, I would use one single line and set the points of 
> the line to the desired data points.
> If you have multiple elements, the following might help. I use it to make 
> grids,  but I think the principle can be used for charts as well.
> You'll create a template object, which you clone all the time. For each 
> cloned element, you set the selected to true and when you have enough, you 
> group them (all the selected objects). Then you set the name of the last 
> created group to whatever you like. You can now also delete that group by 
> name.
> Here's an example : The part in bold is the core of it. The rest you'll need 
> to adapt to your needs
> on mouseUp
> set the cursor to busy
> -- ** Fld "Input" contais data about the grid
>  put line 1 of fld "Input" into OffsetX
>  put line 2 of fld "Input" into OffsetY
>  put line 3 of fld "Input" into NrColums 
>  put line 4 of fld "Input" into NrRows
>  put line 5 of fld "Input" into SizeX
>  put line 6 of fld "Input" into SizeY
>  put line 7 of fld "Input" into GridX
>  put line 8 of fld "Input" into GridY
>  put line 9 of fld "Input" into BorderBreedte
>  put line 10 of fld "Input" into NameStart
>  repeat with x = 1 to NrColums 
>    repeat with y = 1 to NrRows 
>      clone grc "Grc template"        -- ** The Template
> -- ** Stuff to arrange and size the grid cells
>      set the width of it to SizeX
>      set the height it to SizeY
>      set the lineSize of it to BorderBreedte
>      set the left of it to x * GridX - (BorderBreedte * (x-1)) + OffsetX
>      set the bottom of it to  y * GridY - (BorderBreedte * (y-1)) + OffsetY
>      set the lockLoc of it to true
>        set the selected of it to true
>      put NameStart & y & "-" & x into tName
>      set the name of it to tName
>    end repeat
>  end repeat
>  group
>  set the name of last group to "GGGG"
>    select empty
> set the cursor to Arrow
> end mouseUp
> Cheers, Beat
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