No, I can't point to a version of LiveCode where this ever worked... I was dreaming again (ha!)

So... it can't be done, except by these "messy" methods you describe.

I guess we will have to live without it. Too bad, as many modern UX designs call for the "cool" appearance of content like this. And the architecture would be best served by keeping really disparate content in different substacks. I will put in a feature request...

I suppose we could also go for building a group and then hiding and showing that... if all we are presenting to the user is a set of controls or info like a help window or big giant calendar/date picker. Again, this tends to overload the main stack when substacks would be a better way to manage the content.

Or: use "sheet" and be content with the "drop from the top" default effect.


Scott Rossi wrote:
I don't know that it has ever been possible to use a visual effect when 
launching a stack.  Can you point to a version of LiveCode where this works?

The only stack-level "effects" I've been able to manage are a 
dissolve-into-view effect by setting the stack's blendLevel from 100 to 0, 
expand/contract effects by repeatedly changing the stack's rect, or a morph-type effect 
by repeatedly chafing a stack's windowShape to a sequence of images.

There may be ways to fake the effect you're looking but they're a bit messy.  
One way would be to capture the portion of the desktop where you intend to 
display your stack in a decoration-less stack.  You could reveal a snapshot of 
your real stack in the capture stack using whatever effect you want, display 
your real stack above the capture stack, then remove the capture stack from 
view using blendLevel of 100 and close.

Perhaps one of the above would work for you.

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