On 2015-06-02 11:25, Terence Heaford wrote:
On 2 Jun 2015, at 09:23, Peter TB Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com> wrote:

At the moment, I expect that we will probably be recommending using Atom for editing LCB source code.

I am not familiar with using Atom but I presume it will mean:

1. Code in Atom
2. Transfer to LC
3. Test in LC
4. Correct in Atom
5. Retest
6. Repeat until finished

Georgia's blog post shows the current workflow: http://livecode.com/write-a-widget-in-8-steps/

She describes using TextWrangler, but the workflow using Atom would be exactly the same.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com>
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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