Mark Talluto wrote:

> On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:
>> The key would (again) be to have things packaged so that the
>> dependencies are installed as part of the processes, making
>> it as easy as possible.
> This is what makes working with Linux for certain markets very
> difficult. If LiveCode can make it all work with no more difficulty
> than including and extension, then the toughest of markets will be
> viable. If we have to do a series of appgets for an app designed for
> knitting clubs, this is not going to be an easy sell.

Already sold: RunRev is committed to delivering a player object for all supported platforms.

The only question on the table is whether they need to write The Ultimate Multimedia Widget several months from now, or do a subset of the work sooner so we can ship stuff with it sooner.

Personally, I'm much happier with a less feature-rich implementation today than some imagined perfection at an unknowable date in the future. :)

As I said, I'm not sure of the specifics of their plan for Linux, so it would be helpful to learn more about which library/framework they intend to use. Good ones are available under LGPL.

Many such frameworks integrate well with D-bus' MPRIS (Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification), the common interprocess messaging subsystem installed on most modern distros:

To address your broader concern about the perceived difficulty of running multimedia in Linux, all I can say is try it and you'll see for yourself how far Linux has come today.

Out of the box Ubuntu can play a wide range of formats with its built in video player.

And if you've installed the additional codecs (Linux users know why that's a checkbox in the installer and to click it) you'll have good support for even more formats.

And if you forgot to include those during install, you can add them later at any time from the Software Center.

You can also install VLC from the Ubuntu Software Center, which includes even more support for a much wider range of codecs than Apple offers on OS X.

All without typing a single line in Terminal.

Sure, Linux is vast and varied, and those who've chosen Arch or Puppy Linux know exactly what they're doing and they expect to install additional packages to run a multimedia GUI.

But for consumer desktop distros like Ubuntu, Mint, and Fedora, most of what they need is either already installed or just a click away.

After all, Ubuntu didn't get to an installed base of 40 million desktop users by making them all run bash commands in Terminal. :) Times have changed....

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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