On 7/21/2015 5:15 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Ask any product manager, or restaurant owner, or retail manager, or
anyone else who thoroughly reviews customer feedback.  Sentiment almost
always skews negative

Which has spawned the sage advice regarding web sites to "never read the comments." Some of the stuff people write behind their veil of annonymity is just horrible.

I sometimes do, with restaurants and retailers and more.  When I've had
a good experience I share it with them, if only because I know how hard
their job is, and positive feedback can be as useful as negative.  In
just about every case the response I get is just short of shock

I had the same experience after writing about a very pleasant purchasing experience. The company's customer support wrote back, "Thank you so much. Nobody EVER says that!" I also seek out and tell the manger at a restaurant if the wait-person has been exceptional.

I saw a tagline once: It doesn't take a minute longer to be kind.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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