> On 15 Aug 2015, at 1:09 am, Martin Koob <mk...@rogers.com> wrote:
> Monte has not charged for lcVCS to this point but I will happily pay him for
> it when there is an opportunity to do so.  
> His original plan to provide the lcVCS engine as GPL and then charge for the
> IDE plugin and command line interface. I would be happy to pay for the
> plugin given the value it adds and time it saves.  Would people who want
> version control for LiveCode be willing to commit up front and pay for the
> lcVCS plugin or some other payment option or commit in a funding campaign?  
> If there are not enough people willing to commit the funds this all becomes
> a moot discussion.

Thanks Martin

As far as lcVCS goes I actually think it would be good better if we could work 
with Mark and Peter to get the file format into the engine. That way if there’s 
a new property or something it’s all automatic. I think what I’ve done is 
useful in that both it has worked and that it has given me a fairly solid 
understanding of what the issues are to pass on where I can or at least discuss 
with the engine guys. There’s a healthy discussion in that direction going on 
here https://github.com/runrev/livecode/pull/1590#issuecomment-131057336 

The git IDE integration on the other hand could be a plugin (paid or open 
source) or part of the IDE that comes out of the box. It’s where the magic 
happens. Stuff like the toolTip on the script line numbers showing the author 
and commit message. So I’d rather focus on that stuff.


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