Peter Haworth wrote:
As I've mentioned in other emails on this thread, lcStackbrowser gives
users the flexibility to organize properties into groups. I do this by
displaying a list of all the properties for a particular object type, from
which users can drag and drop their chosen properties into a group list. I
get that list from the keys of the properties array for the template for
whatever type of object I'm dealing with, but with this change, the list
was suddenly incomplete.
As an example, the height and width properties are no longer included.
Their values can be derived from the rectangle property which is fine if
you want to recreate an object or use their values for some other reason
but I need their names, not their values.
I ended up writing a handler that goes through the propertynames list and
tries to set each one into each of the object templates to determine which
object types it applies to, a time consuming process that really shouldn't
be necessary.
Personally I feel your approach is quite suitable.
The properties function returns the things needed to reproduce an
object. It's not designed to replace the Dictionary, nor encumbered
with a responsibility to make crafting IDE tools a one-liner.
Toolmaking requires writing code. Any of us making tools - you, me, LC
Ltd. - wrote some code to take care of what we need and moved on to
other tasks.
Seems a good balance of effort on all sides.
That's all water under the bridge now but I still don't understand why the
contents of the properties property were changed.
What specifically was the change, and in what version?
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
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